Cindy with past International President, Jana Barnhill,DTM, ACS
To get ahead in life, you must be effective.
Joining Toastmasters International and participating in their Communication and Leadership program, you will make huge improvements in...
- speaking effectively
- holding meetings
- managing others
- leading, delegating and motivating
Not only will your own self esteem grow by leaps and bounds, you very likely will see your career advancement expedited because of your new skills.
Toastmasters is the best way to improve your communication skills, lose your fear of public speaking and learn skills that will help you be more successful in whatever path you've chosen in life.
Tailored to meet your personal objectives, clubs meet morning, noon or in the evening - you'll be sure to find one that fits your needs.
My experience with Toastmasters has been unbelievable! I have grown so much from a average communicator to an advance communicator and leader. Over the years I took on many different roles. The final role was the District 14 District Governor. I led 5,000 members in this non-profit organization. I had 1400 indirect types of managers that I mentored with a direct team of 7 leading officers. During my tenure I brought the district to the #4 district in the world, out of 94 countries and number 1 in North America. I didn't do it alone but I have to say the leadership skills that I learned were incredible. I learned how to do event planning. I did over 15 events for 800 + people. I trained over 1400 officers. I learned how to manage a budget of $160,000 dollars and I learned how to manage people. I learned so much more but this is the tip of the iceberg. The different roles that I have had:
Today I am the VP of Education at the North Gwinnett Advance TM Club in District 44 and VP of Membership of NorthEast Club in District 14.
My Toastmaster experience has rocked my world and changed my life. This is what I have done within Toastmasters!
Chief Ambassador for District 14 - 2 years
Presenter at 18 conferences
Member Dunwoody Toastmaster Club and North Gwinnett Advance TM club
Opened a new club - North Gwinnett Advanced TM Club (NGATM) in Duluth, GA- 2012- July 13
VP Education 2013-2014 North Gwinnett Advanced TM Club
VP Membership 2013-2014 NorthEast TM Club
Sponsor of a new club in Rio- Brazil!
VP Membership 2012-2013 at NGATM Club
2012-2013 District Nominations Chair
2012-2013 Speakers Bureau Chair
Past member- PB & J Toastmasters
Region 8 Advisor Marketing 2011-2012
Distinguished Toastmaster - working on 2nd one
Credentials Chair -2010=2011
Nominating Committee Chair 2009-2010 and 2012-2013
Past District Governor 2008-2009
District Governor - #4 in the world, #1 in North America, District Governor Award
Lt Governor of Education- Excellence in Education & Training Award
Lt Governor of Marketing - Excellence in Marketing Award
Club Extension Chair - President's Extension Award - I have opened 90 + corporate clubs
Division Governor and won Division Governor of the Year
and the division was Presidents Distinguished
A-rea Governor twice - Presidents Distinguished Award and I won Area Governor of the Year
President of NorthEast Club
VP Membership of 5 clubs when I was Area Governor. They all were PDA!
Past President of the Speakers Roundtable Advanced Toastmaster Club -Select Distinguished
I have helped open over 80 + new clubs in Toastmastmasters
I have sponsored and mentored new clubs
I have sponsored and mentored new members
I have mentored district leaders continuously since I became a leader
I have coached several clubs
Founder of the GA Speakers Bureau in 2000
I have been Conference Chair, Contest Master, Chief Judge, Master of Ceremonies, Judge, keynote speaker etc.
I will be target speaker at the Fall Conference and doing an educational session on body language for Professional speakers.
My continuous journey has not ended but what I have learned has allowed me to do many things in my life that I may not have done if it weren't for the training that I have had. I am Partner of a company, a Recruiter, Author, Professional Speaker, Trainer and Interview Coach along with being a frequent radio guest speaking on careers and so much more.. As we speak we are launching a webinar company. I couldn't do all of this had I not learned what I have learned thru Toastmasters. I have very close friends also that are Toastmasters. They are like family to me.
See how Toastmasters can help you.
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