IS THIS YOU? We tend to take on more than we can chew. Why do we do this? We want to get so much done. We hurry up and wait for tomorrow.
In this day and time we have so much to do and try to fit it all into the day. We just can’t do it all but what we can do is plan better.
Do you make lists or keep all that you have to do in your head. We did a survey and found with the people that made lists got more done than those who didn’t have a list. You are more focused and can get things done by making a list.
You should use one or two calendars to help you with your planning. If you have a lot of appointments I suggest you have a calendar that is monthly and you can see it at a glance. Write only appointments on there whether it is a standing phone call every day or even taking the kids to school. I also suggest that you have a calendar (there are calendars that have the month and the day in it) that lists hour by hour or lines across so you can keep your list of what you have to do. If you do this you will find that your time will tighten up and you will have more time.
My system is a monthly calendar at a glance and a calendar book with the daily pages with lines on it where I can list out my to do list for the day. The system has worked for me for 5 years.
There is so much more I can tell you about time. Stay tune for the rest of the article.