by Cindy Cannon, Successful Interviewing Coach
5 months of looking, and still no job. You have done everything you know to do to, and
you are discouraged. Now what?
Answer: You keep plugging away. Don’t stop and, more importantly, DO NOT GIVE
UP! Many people just give up because they have lost the fighting instinct. Keep up your
energy, your enthusiasm, your dedication - and especially your image. When someone
looks at you, they should think “confident, successful, polished, and fun to be around.”
How do you do that when you are down in the dumps! You stand tall and fake it until you
make it. Constantly complaining or, worse, giving up the search, will not achieve your ultimate goal - employment!
Get out there and network. Chose your groups carefully. Keep looking until you find one
that meets your needs. Volunteer while looking for a job. (See my blog “Volunteer - Why
Do It to Find a Job.”) Network, network, network! Read books about current affairs,
ones that keep you positive. Be around people who are working, who can help you find a
job. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. (Did I mention network, network, network?) Get out
there and do whatever you have to do to keep yourself optimistic and on track to finding
that job.
Whether you’re in your 5th month or 12th month of your job search, you must treat it as
though you were just laid off. Be at the top of your game. The payoff will come, and you
will be glad that you persevered.
Keep at it. You will get hired, I promise you!
Are you still looking for a job? Come to our workshop and freshen up on your skills and
learn new interviewing skills. Everyone is talking about it. Behavioral
interviewing...body language... right and wrong answers... Have you practiced
interviewing? Do you know the questions they are going to ask you? Come to our class
and find out more. For more information go to Event tab.
2010- Cindy Cannon – All rights reserved. ©
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